irc: Add service/control user (TelegramServ), by now without functions
Annotate for file
2022-02-20 E. 1 # irgramd: IRC-Telegram gateway
01:25:27 ' 2 # IRC reply and error codes
' 3 #
' 4 # Copyright (c) 2020-2022 E. Bosch <>
' 5 #
' 6 # Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style license that
' 7 # can be found in the LICENSE file included in this project.
2021-01-24 E. 8
02:31:52 ' 9 irc_codes = \
' 10 {
2021-01-27 E. 11 'RPL_WELCOME': ('001', ':Welcome to the irgramd gateway, {}'),
19:51:33 ' 12 'RPL_YOURHOST': ('002', ':Your host is {}, running version irgramd-{}'),
' 13 'RPL_CREATED': ('003', ':This server was created {}'),
2021-03-04 E. 14 'RPL_MYINFO': ('004', '{} irgramd-{} oS nt'),
2021-01-27 E. 15 'RPL_ISUPPORT': ('005', 'CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANLIMIT=#&+: CHANTYPES=&#+ CHANMODES=,,,nt CHANNELLEN={} NICKLEN={} SAFELIST :are supported by this server'),
2021-03-04 E. 16 'RPL_UMODEIS': ('221', ':{}'),
2021-11-17 E. 17 'RPL_USERHOST': ('302', ':{}'),
2022-02-26 E. 18 'RPL_WHOISSERVICE': ('310', '{} :is an irgramd service'),
2021-02-07 E. 19 'RPL_WHOISUSER': ('311', '{} {} {} * :{}'),
02:14:36 ' 20 'RPL_WHOISSERVER': ('312', '{} {} :irgramd gateway'),
' 21 'RPL_WHOISOPERATOR': ('313', '{} :is an irgramd operator'),
2021-02-04 E. 22 'RPL_ENDOFWHO': ('315', '{} :End of WHO list'),
2021-02-07 E. 23 'RPL_WHOISIDLE': ('317', '{} {} :seconds idle'),
02:14:36 ' 24 'RPL_ENDOFWHOIS': ('318', '{} :End of WHOIS command'),
' 25 'RPL_WHOISCHANNELS': ('319', '{} :{}'),
2021-11-23 E. 26 'RPL_LISTSTART': ('321', 'Channel :Users Name'),
23:27:12 ' 27 'RPL_LIST': ('322', '{} {} :{}'),
' 28 'RPL_LISTEND': ('323', ':End of /LIST'),
2021-03-04 E. 29 'RPL_CHANNELMODEIS': ('324', '{} {} {}'),
2021-02-12 E. 30 'RPL_CREATIONTIME': ('329', '{} {}'),
2022-02-05 E. 31 'RPL_WHOISACCOUNT': ('330', '{} {} :has Telegram account'),
2021-02-12 E. 32 'RPL_TOPIC': ('332', '{} :{}'),
02:09:58 ' 33 'RPL_TOPICWHOTIME': ('333', '{} {} {}'),
2021-02-07 E. 34 'RPL_WHOISBOT': ('335', '{} :is a Telegram bot'),
2021-02-21 E. 35 'RPL_VERSION': ('351', 'irgramd-{} {} :IRC to Telegram gateway'),
2021-02-06 E. 36 'RPL_WHOREPLY': ('352', '{} {} {} {} {} H{} :0 {}'),
2021-02-12 E. 37 'RPL_NAMREPLY': ('353', '{} {} :{}'),
02:09:58 ' 38 'RPL_ENDOFNAMES': ('366', '{} :End of NAME reply'),
2022-02-12 E. 39 'RPL_ENDOFBANLIST': ('368', '{} :End of channel ban list'),
2021-01-27 E. 40 'RPL_MOTDSTART': ('375', ':- {} Message of the day - '),
19:51:33 ' 41 'RPL_MOTD': ('372', ':- {}'),
2021-02-06 E. 42 'RPL_ENDOFMOTD': ('376', 'End of MOTD command'),
2022-02-04 E. 43 'ERR_NOSUCHNICK': ('401', '{} :Nick not found or available'),
2021-02-04 E. 44 'ERR_NOSUCHSERVER': ('402', '{} :Target not found'),
2021-02-12 E. 45 'ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL': ('403', '{} :Channel not found'),
2021-01-24 E. 46 'ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN': ('404', 'Cannot send to channel'),
02:31:52 ' 47 'ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS': ('405', 'Too many channels'),
' 48 'ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK': ('406', 'There was no such nick'),
' 49 'ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS': ('407', 'Too many targets'),
' 50 'ERR_NOORIGIN': ('409', 'No origin present'),
' 51 'ERR_NORECIPIENT': ('411', 'No recipient'),
' 52 'ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND': ('412', 'No text to send'),
' 53 'ERR_NOTOPLEVEL': ('413', 'No top level domain'),
' 54 'ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL': ('414', 'Wild top level domain'),
' 55 'ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND': ('421', 'Unknown command'),
' 56 'ERR_NOMOTD': ('422', 'No MOTD'),
' 57 'ERR_NOADMININFO': ('423', 'No admin info'),
' 58 'ERR_FILEERROR': ('424', 'File error'),
' 59 'ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN': ('431', 'No nickname given'),
2021-01-31 E. 60 'ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME': ('432', '{} :Erroneus nickname'),
00:39:07 ' 61 'ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE': ('433', '{} :Nickname in use'),
2021-01-24 E. 62 'ERR_NICKCOLLISION': ('436', 'Nickname collision'),
02:31:52 ' 63 'ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL': ('441', 'User not in channel'),
2021-03-31 E. 64 'ERR_NOTONCHANNEL': ('442', '{} :Not on channel'),
2021-01-24 E. 65 'ERR_USERONCHANNEL': ('443', 'User on channel'),
02:31:52 ' 66 'ERR_NOLOGIN': ('444', 'No login'),
' 67 'ERR_SUMMONDISABLED': ('445', 'Summon disabled'),
' 68 'ERR_USERSDISABLED': ('446', 'Users disabled'),
2021-02-13 E. 69 'ERR_NOTREGISTERED': ('451', ':Not registered'),
2021-01-24 E. 70 'ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS': ('461', 'Need more params'),
02:31:52 ' 71 'ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED': ('462', 'Already registered'),
' 72 'ERR_NOPERMFORHOST': ('463', 'Insufficient permissions for host'),
' 73 'ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH': ('464', 'Password mismatch'),
' 74 'ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP': ('465', 'You\'re banned, creep'),
' 75 'ERR_KEYSET': ('467', 'Key set'),
' 76 'ERR_CHANNELISFULL': ('471', 'Channel is full'),
' 77 'ERR_UNKNOWNMODE': ('472', 'Unknown mode'),
' 78 'ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN': ('473', 'Invite only channel'),
' 79 'ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN': ('474', 'Banned from channel'),
' 80 'ERR_BADCHANNELKEY': ('475', 'Bad channel key'),
' 81 'ERR_NOPRIVILEGES': ('481', 'No privileges'),
' 82 'ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED': ('482', 'Channel +o privileges needed'),
' 83 'ERR_CANTKILLSERVER': ('483', 'Cannot kill server'),
' 84 'ERR_NOOPERHOST': ('491', 'No operator host'),
' 85 'ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG': ('501', 'User mode unknown flag'),
' 86 'ERR_USERSDONTMATCH': ('502', 'Users don\'t match'),
2021-02-07 E. 87 'RPL_WHOISSECURE': ('671', '{} :is using a secure {} connection with {}'),
2021-01-24 E. 88 }