Wait for Telegram authentication is checked before the "not authorized yet"
patch 062bc6053a000038e9edcc0af8974851f9fe753d
Author: E. Bosch <presidev@AT@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Mar 19 06:11:26 CET 2022
* Wait for Telegram authentication is checked before the "not authorized yet"
message is given on IRC (by TelegramServ).
This is convenient if an IRC client connects faster than Telegram connection
is established when irgramd is started, so it won't give a fake "not authorized
yet" message.
hunk ./irc.py 510
+ await self.tg.auth_checked.wait()
hunk ./telegram.py 15
+import asyncio
hunk ./telegram.py 55
+ # Set event to be waited by irc.check_telegram_auth()
+ self.auth_checked = asyncio.Event()
hunk ./telegram.py 98
+ self.auth_checked.set()
hunk ./telegram.py 114
+ self.auth_checked.set()