exclam: Add reaction (!react) command to send emoticon->emoji as Telegram reaction
patch 873004141f83b60da113e8967a2148d9d33008be
Author: E. Bosch <presidev@AT@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Oct 10 23:11:40 CEST 2024
* exclam: Add reaction (!react) command to send emoticon->emoji as Telegram reaction
hunk ./emoji2emoticon.py 89
- '\U0001f970': '":)e>"'
+ '\U0001f970': '":)e>"',
hunk ./emoji2emoticon.py 92
+emo_inv = {}
+for k in emo:
+ emo_inv[emo[k][1:-1]] = k
hunk ./exclam.py 10
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import MessageNotModifiedError, MessageAuthorRequiredError
+from telethon.tl.functions.messages import SendReactionRequest
+from telethon import types as tgty
+from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import MessageNotModifiedError, MessageAuthorRequiredError, ReactionInvalidError
hunk ./exclam.py 15
+from emoji2emoticon import emo_inv
hunk ./exclam.py 27
+ '!react': (self.handle_command_react, 2, 2, -1),
hunk ./exclam.py 193
+ )
+ return reply
+ async def handle_command_react(self, cid=None, act=None, help=None):
+ if not help:
+ id, chk_msg = await self.check_msg(cid)
+ if chk_msg is not None:
+ if act in emo_inv:
+ utf8_emo = emo_inv[act]
+ reaction = [ tgty.ReactionEmoji(emoticon=utf8_emo) ]
+ try:
+ update = await self.tg.telegram_client(SendReactionRequest(self.tmp_telegram_id, id, reaction=reaction))
+ except ReactionInvalidError:
+ reply = ('!react: Reaction not allowed',)
+ else:
+ self.tmp_tg_msg = update.updates[0].message
+ reply = True
+ else:
+ reply = ('!react: Unknown reaction',)
+ else:
+ reply = ('!react: Unknown message to react',)
+ else: # HELP.brief or HELP.desc (first line)
+ reply = (' !react React to a message',)
+ if help == HELP.desc: # rest of HELP.desc
+ reply += \
+ (
+ ' !react <compact_id> <emoticon reaction>',
+ 'React with <emoticon reaction> to a message with <compact_id>,',
+ 'irgramd will translate emoticon to closest emoji.',