irc: Add registration handling of new connections
patch f6adfec3b3a67fe89d7f7528ea918372f8070ace
Author: E. Bosch <>
Date: Wed Jan 27 20:51:33 CET 2021
* irc: Add registration handling of new connections
Improve replies, error responses, motd, nick validation, etc.
addfile ./
hunk ./ 1
+# Constants
+VERSION = '0.1'
hunk ./ 6
+import string
+import time
hunk ./ 14
+from irc_replies import irc_codes
hunk ./ 17
-from irc_replies import irc_codes
+# Constants
+VALID_IRC_NICK_FIRST_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + '[]\`_^{|}'
hunk ./ 92
+ self.start_time = time.strftime('%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')
hunk ./ 102
+ # IRC handlers
+ async def handle_irc_pass(self, user, password):
+ self.logger.debug('Handling PASS: %s %s', password)
+ if user.registered:
+ await self.reply(user, 'ERR_ALREADYREGISTRED')
+ else:
+ user.recv_pass = password
hunk ./ 115
- if user.irc_nick in self.iid_to_tid:
- tid = self.iid_to_tid[user.irc_nick]
-[tid] = nick
- self.iid_to_tid[nick] = tid
- user.irc_nick = nick
+ if not self.valid_nick(nick):
+ await self.reply(user, 'ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME')
+ elif nick in [x.irc_nick for x in self.users if x is not user]:
+ await self.reply(user, 'ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE')
+ elif user.password == user.recv_pass:
+ user.irc_nick = nick
+ if user.irc_nick in self.iid_to_tid:
+ tid = self.iid_to_tid[user.irc_nick]
+[tid] = nick
+ self.iid_to_tid[nick] = tid
+ if not user.registered and user.irc_username:
+ user.registered = True
+ await self.send_greeting(user)
+ else:
+ await self.reply(user, 'ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH')
hunk ./ 138
- await self.send_irc_command(user, ':{} 001 {} :{}'.format(
- self.hostname, user.irc_nick, 'Welcome to irgramd'
- ))
- await self.send_irc_command(user, ':{} 376 {} :{}'.format(
- self.hostname, user.irc_nick, 'End of MOTD command'
- ))
+ if user.irc_nick:
+ user.registered = True
+ await self.send_greeting(user)
hunk ./ 147
- async def handle_irc_pass(self, user, app_id, app_hash):
- self.logger.debug('Handling PASS: %s %s', app_id, app_hash)
hunk ./ 170
+ async def reply_param(self, user, num, rest):
+ await self.send_irc_command(user, ':{} {} {} {}'.format(
+ self.hostname, num, user.irc_nick, rest
+ ))
+ async def send_greeting(self, user):
+ num, rest = irc_codes['RPL_WELCOME']
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format(user.irc_nick))
+ num, rest = irc_codes['RPL_YOURHOST']
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format(self.hostname, VERSION))
+ num, rest = irc_codes['RPL_CREATED']
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format(self.start_time))
+ num, rest = irc_codes['RPL_MYINFO']
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format(self.hostname, VERSION))
+ num, rest = irc_codes['RPL_ISUPPORT']
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format(str(CHAN_MAX_LENGHT), str(NICK_MAX_LENGTH)))
+ await self.send_motd(user)
+ async def send_motd(self, user):
+ num, rest = irc_codes['RPL_MOTDSTART']
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format(self.hostname))
+ num, rest = irc_codes['RPL_MOTD']
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format('Welcome to the irgramd server'))
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format(''))
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format('This is not a normal IRC server, it\'s a gateway that'))
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format('allows connecting from an IRC client (the program that'))
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format('you are [probably] using right now) to the Telegram instant'))
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format('messaging network as a regular user account (not bot)'))
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format(''))
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format('irgramd is an open source project that you can find on'))
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format('git repository:'))
+ await self.reply_param(user, num, rest.format('darcs repository:'))
+ await self.reply(user, 'RPL_ENDOFMOTD')
hunk ./ 237
+ def valid_nick(self, nick):
+ if len(nick) <= NICK_MAX_LENGTH and nick[0] in VALID_IRC_NICK_FIRST_CHARS:
+ for x in nick[1:]:
+ if x not in VALID_IRC_NICK_CHARS:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+ else: return 0
hunk ./ 253
+ self.password = ''
hunk ./ 4
- 'RPL_WELCOME': ('001', 'Welcome to the irgramd gateway, {}'),
- 'RPL_YOURHOST': ('002', 'Your host is {}, running version irgramd-{}'),
- 'RPL_CREATED': ('003', 'This server was created {}'),
+ 'RPL_WELCOME': ('001', ':Welcome to the irgramd gateway, {}'),
+ 'RPL_YOURHOST': ('002', ':Your host is {}, running version irgramd-{}'),
+ 'RPL_CREATED': ('003', ':This server was created {}'),
hunk ./ 8
- 'RPL_MOTDSTART': ('375', '- {} Message of the day - '),
- 'RPL_MOTD': ('372', '{}'),
+ 'RPL_ISUPPORT': ('005', 'CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANLIMIT=#&+: CHANTYPES=&#+ CHANMODES=,,,nt CHANNELLEN={} NICKLEN={} SAFELIST :are supported by this server'),
+ 'RPL_MOTDSTART': ('375', ':- {} Message of the day - '),
+ 'RPL_MOTD': ('372', ':- {}'),
hunk ./ 6
+# Local modules
+from include import CHAN_MAX_LENGHT, NICK_MAX_LENGTH
hunk ./ 18