# Configuration example for idlebiff (under public domain) # Change it with your settings # Should be under your home (~/.idlebiffrc) # or specified as an argument of idlebiff host=imap-server.example.org user=myuser #pass= # if pass not set, it will be asked (recommended) mailbox=INBOX tls=1 port=993 initial_noop=0 keepalive=1500 timeout=20 timeout_logout=2 png_up=up.png png_down=down.png png_chk=check.png pos_x=1 pos_y=1 tip=1 nodecor=1 imap_trace=0 criteria= tls_validate_cert=1 tls_ca_dir= tls_ca_file= tls_ca_subject= tls_client_cert= tls_client_key= tls_ciphers=DEFAULT:!SSLv3