Add error wrapper, later can be a window dialog or something
patch 55c1cbaf4c675e24f783478cf8aaa869449f3c17
Author: Enrique D. Bosch <>
Date: Fri Aug 24 22:40:19 CEST 2018
* Add error wrapper, later can be a window dialog or something
hunk ./idlebiff 103
- if { $size_not_same } { error }
+ if { $size_not_same } { emit_error size }
hunk ./idlebiff 212
+proc emit_error args { error $args }
hunk ./idlebiff 307
- if { $cap(logindisabled) } { error logindisabled }
+ if { $cap(logindisabled) } { emit_error logindisabled }
hunk ./idlebiff 403
- if { !$cap(idle) } { error noidle }
+ if { !$cap(idle) } { emit_error noidle }
hunk ./idlebiff 511
- if {[ no_tagged $linea ]} { error search }
+ if {[ no_tagged $linea ]} { emit_error search }
hunk ./idlebiff 565
- if { ![ info exists csu($i) ] } { error cert }
- if {[ ne $csu($i) $ccsu($i) ]} { error cert }
+ if { ![ info exists csu($i) ] } { emit_error cert }
+ if {[ ne $csu($i) $ccsu($i) ]} { emit_error cert }