  1 # irgramd: IRC-Telegram gateway
  2 # exclam.py: IRC exclamation command handlers
  3 #
  4 # Copyright (c) 2023, 2024 E. Bosch <presidev@AT@gmail.com>
  5 #
  6 # Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style license that
  7 # can be found in the LICENSE file included in this project.
  9 import os
 10 from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import MessageNotModifiedError, MessageAuthorRequiredError
 12 from utils import command, HELP
 14 class exclam(command):
 15     def __init__(self, telegram):
 16         self.commands = \
 17         { # Command         Handler                       Arguments  Min Max Maxsplit
 18             '!re':        (self.handle_command_re,                    2,  2,  2),
 19             '!ed':        (self.handle_command_ed,                    2,  2,  2),
 20             '!del':       (self.handle_command_del,                   1,  1, -1),
 21             '!fwd':       (self.handle_command_fwd,                   2,  2, -1),
 22             '!upl':       (self.handle_command_upl,                   1,  2,  2),
 23         }
 24         self.tg = telegram
 25         self.irc = telegram.irc
 26         self.tmp_ircnick = None
 27         self.tmp_telegram_id = None
 28         self.tmp_tg_msg = None
 30     async def command(self, message, telegram_id, user):
 31         self.tmp_telegram_id = telegram_id
 32         res = await self.parse_command(message, nick=None)
 33         if isinstance(res, tuple):
 34             await self.irc.send_msg(self.irc.service_user, None, res[0], user)
 35             res = False
 36         return res, self.tmp_tg_msg
 38     async def check_msg(self, cid):
 39         id = self.tg.mid.id_to_num_offset(self.tmp_telegram_id, cid)
 40         if id is None:
 41             chk_msg = None
 42         else:
 43             chk_msg = await self.tg.telegram_client.get_messages(entity=self.tmp_telegram_id, ids=id)
 44         return id, chk_msg
 46     async def handle_command_re(self, cid=None, msg=None, help=None):
 47         if not help:
 48             id, chk_msg = await self.check_msg(cid)
 49             if chk_msg is not None:
 50                 self.tmp_tg_msg = await self.tg.telegram_client.send_message(self.tmp_telegram_id, msg, reply_to=id)
 51                 reply = True
 52             else:
 53                 reply = ('!re: Unknown message to reply',)
 54         else: # HELP.brief or HELP.desc (first line)
 55             reply = ('   !re         Reply to a message',)
 56         if help == HELP.desc:  # rest of HELP.desc
 57             reply += \
 58             (
 59               '   !re <compact_id> <message>',
 60               'Reply with <message> to a message with <compact_id> on current',
 61               'channel/chat.'
 62             )
 63         return reply
 65     async def handle_command_ed(self, cid=None, new_msg=None, help=None):
 66         if not help:
 67             id, ed_msg = await self.check_msg(cid)
 68             if ed_msg is not None:
 69                 try:
 70                     self.tmp_tg_msg = await self.tg.telegram_client.edit_message(ed_msg, new_msg)
 71                 except MessageNotModifiedError:
 72                     self.tmp_tg_msg = ed_msg
 73                     reply = True
 74                 except MessageAuthorRequiredError:
 75                     reply = ('!ed: Not the author of the message to edit',)
 76                 else:
 77                     reply = True
 78             else:
 79                 reply = ('Unknown message to edit',)
 80         else: # HELP.brief or HELP.desc (first line)
 81             reply = ('   !ed         Edit a message',)
 82         if help == HELP.desc:  # rest of HELP.desc
 83             reply += \
 84             (
 85               '   !ed <compact_id> <new_message>',
 86               'Edit a message with <compact_id> on current channel/chat,',
 87               '<new_message> replaces the current message.'
 88             )
 89         return reply
 91     async def handle_command_del(self, cid=None, help=None):
 92         if not help:
 93             id, del_msg = await self.check_msg(cid)
 94             if del_msg is not None:
 95                 deleted = await self.tg.telegram_client.delete_messages(self.tmp_telegram_id, del_msg)
 96                 if deleted[0].pts_count == 0:
 97                     reply = ('!del: Not possible to delete',)
 98                 else:
 99                     self.tmp_tg_msg = None
100                     reply = None
101             else:
102                 reply = ('Unknown message to delete',)
103         else: # HELP.brief or HELP.desc (first line)
104             reply = ('   !del        Delete a message',)
105         if help == HELP.desc:  # rest of HELP.desc
106             reply += \
107             (
108               '   !del <compact_id>',
109               'Delete a message with <compact_id> on current channel/chat'
110             )
111         return reply
113     async def handle_command_fwd(self, cid=None, chat=None, help=None):
114         if not help:
115             id, chk_msg = await self.check_msg(cid)
116             if chk_msg is not None:
117                 async def send_fwd(tgt_ent, id):
118                     from_ent = await self.tg.telegram_client.get_entity(self.tmp_telegram_id)
119                     self.tmp_tg_msg = await self.tg.telegram_client.forward_messages(tgt_ent, id, from_ent)
120                     return self.tmp_tg_msg
122                 tgt = chat.lower()
123                 if tgt in self.irc.iid_to_tid:
124                     tgt_ent = await self.tg.telegram_client.get_entity(self.irc.iid_to_tid[tgt])
125                     msg = await send_fwd(tgt_ent, id)
126                     # echo fwded message
127                     await self.tg.handle_telegram_message(event=None, message=msg)
128                     reply = True
129                 elif tgt in (u.irc_nick.lower() for u in self.irc.users.values() if u.stream):
130                     tgt_ent = await self.tg.telegram_client.get_me()
131                     await send_fwd(tgt_ent, id)
132                     reply = True
133                 else:
134                     reply = ('!fwd: Unknown chat to forward',)
135             else:
136                 reply = ('Unknown message to forward',)
137         else: # HELP.brief or HELP.desc (first line)
138             reply = ('   !fwd        Forward a message',)
139         if help == HELP.desc:  # rest of HELP.desc
140             reply += \
141             (
142               '   !fwd <compact_id> <chat>',
143               'Forward a message with <compact_id> to <chat> channel/chat.'
144             )
145         return reply
147     async def handle_command_upl(self, file=None, caption=None, help=None):
148         if not help:
149             try:
150                 if file[:8] == 'https://' or file[:7] == 'http://':
151                     file_path = file
152                 else:
153                     file_path = os.path.join(self.tg.telegram_upload_dir, file)
154                 self.tmp_tg_msg = await self.tg.telegram_client.send_file(self.tmp_telegram_id, file_path, caption=caption)
155                 reply = True
156             except:
157                 reply = ('!upl: Error uploading',)
158         else: # HELP.brief or HELP.desc (first line)
159             reply = ('   !upl        Upload a file to current channel/chat',)
160         if help == HELP.desc:  # rest of HELP.desc
161             reply += \
162             (
163               '   !upl <file name/URL> [<optional caption>]',
164               'Upload the file referenced by <file name/URL> to current',
165               'channel/chat, the file must be present in "upload"',
166               'irgramd local directory or be an external HTTP/HTTPS URL.'
167             )
168         return reply